Getting your brand into a warehouse club or other big box retailer can take your business to the next level. But between your big-box dreams and a successful in-store display lies a labyrinth of requirements, detailed economic planning and critical partnerships. Navigating the process and troubleshooting the problems that keep many brand managers from getting across the finish line requires a painstaking attention to details. Trouble often starts right at the outset, with a poorly prepared pitch.

Here are a few things that can sink your Costco, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Home Depot, Lowe’s, or other big box retailer campaign at the pitch stage:

1. You Didn’t Do Your Homework

It’s important to ask the right questions. Is your product a good fit for the retailer you are pitching? Do your research and figure out where your product fits into their landscape. Key questions include:

  • What makes your product a good fit for a big-box store?
  • Who will purchase your product and what need does it fill?
  • How is your product different from what is already on the shelf?
  • Can you meet the retailer’s requirements for pricing, delivery capacity and design specifications?

The better prepared you are before coming into your pitch, the more smoothly you’ll be able to make a case that will entice a major retailer to take a chance on you and your product.

2. You Didn’t Know Your Numbers

From product costs to all-in packaging, display and fulfillment costs, to transportation, warehouse and handling costs, it’s imperative that you have your figures nailed down pre-pitch, factoring in everything from start to finish.

Did you include pricing of packaging and display parts? Fulfillment charges if applicable? Do you have detailed container load plans? Did you account for returns? Can you back up your delivery commitment with supporting details? The details can make or break your pitch. You must understand every link of your supply chain in order to know your all-in costs. If you are fuzzy on cost, price or margins, buyers at the bigger retailers are likely to sense weak links in your supply chain and lose interest. They need to trust that dealing with you and your product will be a seamless experience with flawless execution at every turn.

3. You Didn’t Partner Wisely

Partnering with the wrong suppliers, or not having someone who knows the whole process end-to-end can create a cascading array of hitches, beginning with a pitch that isn’t supported by clear information, solid data and high-quality samples. Little problems have a way of compounding themselves throughout a campaign and retailers expect assurance that there is no risk of missed deadlines, damaged product or other mishaps. Nobody has time for such issues – but big box retailers can be particularly unforgiving. You need to get it right, consistently. You need to choose vendors with a track record you can trust. If you are using offshore vendors, you need to be prepared to show the retailer that you’ve done your due diligence.

4. You Didn’t Deliver Confidence

It takes more than a great product to impress a big box buyer. Demonstrating comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of your product, the market, and your supply chain will establish a foundation of confidence and trust with the buyer in your ability to deliver a successful campaign from start to finish.It may be your first, or fourth, pitch, but partnering with a qualified supply chain solutions vendor, one whose core business is built around getting you through the entire process from pitch to delivering your products to stores without issue, is essential in executing successful programs.

Experience that Delivers Seamless Big Box Campaigns

TPH Global Solutions® has more than 50 years’ experience helping clients deliver big-box retailer campaigns, from a pitch that will close the deal to the supply chain wrangling needed to deliver a profitable campaign. Our expertise in meeting retailer specifications, optimizing global supply chains and logistics – while designing displays that deliver results – has made us the partner of choice for brand managers looking for successful retail programs. We don’t just build displays – we build business. For more information on how we can help you win the pitch, download our guide to Successful Strategies for Selling to Mass Merchandisers by clicking on the link below.

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